Exhibits and Displays

Exhibits & Displays Policy

Exhibit and display areas in Henderson Memorial Public Library are primarily for library materials and events. When the exhibit and display areas are not being used for library activities, Henderson Memorial Public Library welcomes displays and exhibits of interest to the community from individuals, nonprofit organizations or community groups.
The Library does not necessarily advocate or endorse the viewpoints of a particular display or exhibitor.
Conditions for Display
  • The exhibits and displays must meet acceptable community standards. The library has the final decision.
  • Materials from for-profit organizations or those prepared primarily for commercial purposes will not be displayed.
  • Application for exhibits and displays will be made through the Director on a first come, first served basis. Displays are normally booked months in advance.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for setting up their own displays. However, the Library shall have the final decision on the arrangement of all exhibits and displays.
  • Displays and exhibits will normally be put up on the first of the month and removed by the last day of the month.
  • Due to limited storage space, any items left more than four weeks may be disposed of as the Library sees fit.
  • The Library will not sell items from the display case and selling prices will not be displayed.
  • Individuals and groups may display a sign noting who provided the display.
  • The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item exhibited or displayed. All items placed in the library are done so at the owner’s risk. All exhibitors will sign a form that releases the Library from any responsibility for exhibited items. If the exhibitor is a minor, a parent or legal guardian shall sign the form. Insurance is the sole responsibility of the lender.
Adopted April 12, 2005
Henderson Memorial Public Library Board of Trustees

Exhibits and Displays Agreement

Application & Release Form
I agree to abide by the Exhibits and Displays Policy. 
Furthermore, as expressly stated in the policy, I agree that the Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item exhibited or displayed. All items placed in the library are done so at the owner’s risk. All exhibitors will sign a form that releases the Library from any responsibility for exhibited items. If the exhibitor is a minor, a parent or legal guardian shall sign the form. Insurance is the sole responsibility of the lender.
Signature _______________________________________________________________
If exhibitor is under 18, a parent or guardian must sign.
Signature of parent or guardian ______________________________________________
Name (please print) _______________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________________________________
Display Topic ____________________________________________________________
Requested Dates __________________________________________________________
Office Use Only
Display Accepted _____                      Display not Accepted _____
Display Dates Selected __________________________________